Creamy Puffs

Wednesday, 28 November 2012 | 0 comment(s)
Hai and Assalammualaikummm everybadeh!! <3

Yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Finally, habisss jugak SPM :') but but hmmm. lepas ni dah tak pergy sekolah, buat homework, peluk kawan kawan, storyy morry and anything else. Damn! Make me cry lewww. Rase sekejapppp and tak percayaa bila dah habis sekolah ni. Sebab ape? sebab lepasss ni dah kenaaa laluiii pelbagai cabarann meyh -_______-' Sewriusly risauuuu gilaaa :'( hm hm. I'll mishh very very mach kawan2 kiteww yang paling kiteww sayang tahuu. Hm. Hope lepass ni kiteww jumpaa selalu eh eh ehh. Call selalu eh ehhh. Twitter kan kan adeee <3 Yeppieeeeeeeeeeeeee! the most important datszzz jangan lupeww iejah yang omey ni and andddd jangan lupeww kenangan yang kiteww bina tau!! muehehehe :* hm okay okay lah. Stop :') 

Photoshoottttttttt with them <3

I'll lovechiuuuuu Iza, Awinnn, Azzy, Siddiq and Ammarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr <3

My Classmateeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3

okay bye :)

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